


The following information contains the legally required information on provider identification as well as important legal information on the Internet presence of MÖWE gGmbH.

The provider of this website in the legal sense is MÖWE gGmbH
Hauswörmannsweg 88
49080 Osnabrück

Phone: 49 (0) 541 50688-0

commercial register:

MÖWE workshops, services, sales gGmbH is entered in the commercial register of the Osnabrück local court under the registration number HRB 18497.
Managing director: Johannes Bösken
Authorized signatory: Thomas Schulke

The sole shareholder is the SKM-Catholic Association for Social Services in Osnabrück eV
The sales tax identification number of MÖWE gGmbH is: DE117647098

Legal information on liability / disclaimer

MÖWE gGmbH endeavors to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and up-to-date. Nevertheless, errors and ambiguities cannot be completely ruled out. MÖWE gGmbH therefore does not accept any liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. MÖWE gGmbH is not liable for material or immaterial damage that is directly or indirectly caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, unless it can be proven that it was guilty of willful intent or gross negligence. The same applies to free software downloads available. MÖWE gGmbH reserves the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the internet offer or the entire offer without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently cease publication.
Responsibility for "third-party content", which is made available for example through direct or indirect connections (for example so-called "links") to other providers, assumes, among other things, positive knowledge of the illegal or criminal content. "External content" is appropriately marked. MÖWE gGmbH has no influence on "third-party content" and does not adopt this content as its own. MÖWE gGmbH has no positive knowledge of illegal or offensive content on the linked pages of third-party providers. If the linked pages of external providers should contain illegal or offensive content, MÖWE gGmbH expressly distances itself from this content.

Out-of-court dispute resolution

We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board according to the "Act on Alternative Dispute Settlement in Consumer Matters (VSBG)".

Responsible consumer arbitration board:
General consumer arbitration board of the Center for Arbitration eV, Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein.

Tel .: 07851/795 79 40

Fax: 07851/795 79 41



Legal information on copyright

The layout of the homepage, the graphics used and the other content are protected by copyright.

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